Compare contrast stock market crash 1929 today

By: Feranonet Date of post: 05.06.2017

The Real Reason Amazon Is Buying Whole Foods — and All the Experts Missed It. AMZN last week stunned the markets with its announced buyout of Whole Foods Market Inc.

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As the current seven-year bull market rages on, we've found some startling comparisons between the market now and the market of That's why we're analyzing the stock market crash versus today and pointing out some of the major warning signs we've found…. The Roaring '20s were a period of euphoric stock market growth. The Dow exploded for triple-digit gains starting at the beginning of the bull market in October The current Dow bull market has also delivered triple-digit gains.

And that has some investors alarmed we could be heading for another stock market crash. While there are some key differences between the two periods, we want to remind investors to be prepared for a market crash, especially when the Dow is breaking record highs again….

To show you the similarities between the stock market of the s and today, we put together a side-by-side chart of both. This shows the s bull market up to the crash of compared to today's bull market. The chart below shows the Dow in inflation-adjusted dollars grew differently in each era. But you can see the growth trend is very steep in both periods. During the s, the Dow closed at a record high 27 times over the eight-year period.

The current bull market has seen the Dow close at a record high 28 times over its seven-and-a-half-year period. That's why we've examined both periods to see if our current bull market is sustainable or if we could see a stock market crash in And we've found a key similarity in what fueled record-breaking gains during both eras…. One of the mentalities of the s that led to the stock market crash being so catastrophic was a sense that the soaring markets would continue to grow. This mindset led investors to speculate recklessly throughout the s.

The logic was simple. As long as the stock market kept rising, money was better spent on stocks than anywhere else, and the loans investors were taking out could easily be paid back later.

And as more and more money was dumped into the stock market, prices kept rising, further justifying stock purchases. However, this inflation was artificial. When stock prices dipped and nervous investors began selling, the entire market crashed. Today, the market continues to be influenced by speculative behavior. Another stock market bubble could be forming.

A door has opened for an ultra-rare but powerful anomaly in the stock market… It involves a precious metal, one that's considered exceedingly more rare than gold. Get all the details. Investors are taking out more and more money to buy stocks as prices continue to rise. While no experts are making bold claims of permanent growth like Fischer's in the s, many experts are encouraging investors to continue to spend.

Voya Global strategists released a report in arguing investors shouldn't worry about climbing stock prices because "selling out in this market due to fear of overvaluation may be a mistake. Low interest rates set by the Federal Reserve have further contributed to speculative investing.

They've also helped fuel stock market growth to unsustainable levels. Earlier this year, Robert R. Johnson, the president and CEO of the American College of Financial Services, told U. Rates remained at this historically low level until December , when rates were raised to just 0.

First, low interest rates mean borrowing money is cheap, especially for large organizations like corporations. This is in part the reason the Fed uses lower interest rates to stimulate economic growth. The logic is that corporations will be able to borrow money more easily and then funnel this money into new projects or expansion, growing the economy.

However, what we've seen is corporations are using the money from cheap credit to purchase shares of their own stocks as a way to drive up share price and reward shareholders.

compare contrast stock market crash 1929 today

And this is only part of a longer trend. Not only does this mean the value of stock prices is artificially high, but it's unsustainable once interest rates rise.

Second, low interest rates mean returns on fixed-income investments like bonds are near zero. Investors seeking better returns are forced into the stock market. This, again, has caused stock prices to rise unnaturally. In a period of higher interest rates where bonds are more competitive and offer a safer return, much less money would be going into stock purchases.

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It also means money is going into riskier investments just because they continue to go up in price. We can't predict what will happen with certainty, but with borrowed money contributing to the current bull market, a routine correction could lead to a dramatic sell-off.

That could cause a stock market crash. Or the Fed could raise rates and trigger a different kind of sell-off. And the Federal Reserve meets next week, when it's expected to raise interest rates again.

Now that we've shown you why should be a warning sign for today, we need to show you how to protect your money during a stock market crash …. Click here to jump to comments…. Examining history for repeating patterns is good, but is not like Since , we've been in a cyclical bull market. That cyclical bull will wind down and so will the secular bear.

In contrast was the end of a secular bull market. Cyclical bears ended in , and That's where to look for your corollaries. Finally, the DJIA in the s was more like the Wild-West Nasdaq of the s. Remember all the Internet companies that tripled during ? That was the DJIA in It's good to sound the alarm. But the s is not the period to examine. In response to Andre, the Dow Jones has been in one long secular bull market since when the Dow Jones was at and today close to 20, — this trend is upward.

I view crashes and pullbacks as only corrections and opportunities to buy in. For example, the Dow Jones hit a high of 1, at least 4 times between and , if today the Dow Jones was at , then I would agree that we are in a secular bear market, but that simply is not the case. Choose from the topics below to receive our money-making recommendations in real time.

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