How do rastas make money

By: asktorg Date of post: 24.06.2017

The Dreadlocks have a very special and Important meaning. Rastafarians are not just a people who are lazy and dirty. Rastafari wear their hair in Dreadlocks to Salute the Most High. Of course it does not make any sense, you are not Rasta. But for us, it makes a lot of sense. God, the real, God, not the one we have been taught to believe in has a place in just about everything.

One of his markers is Dreadlocks. By the way Rastafarians are some of the cleanest people on the planet. We love to wash our dreadlocks because we like the feeling of washing our dreadlocks and the way our hair smells once it is finally washed.

So please do not make any negative assumptions. Many people who embrace this way of life, who do not come from the Caribbean are under the misconception that they are not supposed to wash their hair. Actually this is offensive on so many levels…. Rastafarians love to live natural. Dreadlocks are easy to take care of and have a natural earth like appearance.

I can remember when I was about 2 years old and Rastafari people would come into our business to buy music. I use to think that hair was so long and special. That is so natural and beautiful. Please do not judge people with Dreadlocks by their appearance. We are human beings and individuals just like everybody else.

how do rastas make money

We just want freedom and peace of mind just like you. You might be surprised by the warm reception you get back.

how do rastas make money

Many people with dreadlocks are very down to earth. He had way too many girlfriends. Maybe they even thought his dreadlocks were sexy. I plan to move to Jamaica, where people wont stare at me so much.

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I have been stared at so many times here in Toronto, Canada, that when I visited Jamaica back in February of , I felt out of sorts, not have the Jamaican people staring at me. Not one person said a word to me about my hair.

In fact many people smiled at me. Again, Bob Marley and his naturalistic vibration and music, paved the way for the rest of us Rastafarians. I just love to see Rastafari in the Caribbean or in the west. There are some Rastafarians living in the west in places like America, Canada and England. We are a small group, but we are growing world-wide. Maybe this is the first time you are hearing about Rastafari.

Well Rastafari is a way of life that celebrates, African and Caribbean Culture. There is much more to it than that, but that is the short answer. If you would like a deeper explanation. Im none of an rasta nor any of jamaican? How ever i have some level of west indies blood which flows in my body???

But rasta is ok!!! Like any other belief. Just keeping in touch with being apart of africaness is key. Give thanks for the info. I would love to chat with my fellow sistren. Could you email me at rodwellmichelle yahoo.

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I have a few question for you. I had a disagree with a empress yesterday about modesty. I need another empress input.

Why do rastas wear dreadlocks ? (History of dreadlocks)

Perhaps if you ask me the question, others will be able to learn from the information aswell. What is your question. Just curious if you are a white Rasta living in Canada? How did you come to know so much a bout Rasta men if you have never lived in the culture of one of the carribean islands where the Rasta movement is concentrated?

I loved Rasta so much. I have not had the honor of becoming friends with a Rasta woman at all. But I have been hurt really bad by the first Rasta man I became friends with.

I looked online and your site is the only informational site on Rasta behavior. With all due respect, unless I pay money for your book,there are no mysterious facts about these men to be found online. It concerns me as a person who loves to go to a different carribean island on vacation every year. If these Rastamen are scamming white women for their money, or a way to get to the U. People should be warned and informed before they innocently go traveling to these places where the pretty deceiving Rasta men are.

After reading so many posts from broken hearted girls with the same type of man I had the misfortune of meeting, it only confirms that the majority of these pretty carribean dreadlocked Rasta men are nothing special at all and no better than men in the U.

My faithfulness to one man ended after 23 yrs of marriage. I was sexually frustrated because my husband is older and taking medications to stop his sex drive. I was so proud of myself for not being conned by the obviously horny St. Lucian locals on the beach.

Until I met Mr. We were just supposed to meet one night for a joint. He made the moves and talked so smooth. Told me he was in love with me. Then started calling me the day I got home. I kept questioning the red flags and that would make him quarrel with me.

Anyways, he is very clean, showers twice a day. His hair smelled like the rainforest. When we first met his hair was more like Bob Marley.

Very worried about what everyone thinks of him or who is watching him. I am a black man dating a Rasta and we talked for 3 months and finally dated. I think I speak for all Jamaican men when I say I think it maybe best that you stick with white men…. I noticed you contradicted yourself several times in your post. You say sex is not the most important thing in a relationship, but in the same breath you say that is the reason you ended a 23 YEAR MARRIAGE.

I wonder if you would engage me via email. Email address is below. Hello, I have a few questions and I have been looking for someone to answer them and help me out along the way. I was wondering if I could email you for more help. Who gives a shit about your dirty hair? Ive been to Jamaica, and you people have a much more serious problem than your hair. What a filthy place! Show some respect for your island, and our oceans, and stop throwing your trash everywhere!

It was absolutely everywhere except the upscale hotel properties. When I saw it washing up in the ocean that got me really pissed.

how do rastas make money

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3 Ways to Give Yourself Dreadlocks - wikiHow

Rastas are some of the Cleanest people By the way Rastafarians are some of the cleanest people on the planet. Rastafarians love to live natural hence the Dreadlocks Rastafarians love to live natural. Do you think Bob Marley was dirty? What is Rastafari anyway? April 23, at 6: May 9, at 4: May 14, at 3: Rasta Con Victim said: July 8, at January 26, at 4: February 7, at 4: November 27, at 2: November 30, at 7: Ask any question you like.

August 30, at August 31, at 8: April 2, at 4: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public. Rasta Way of Life Book. Life as a Rasta Woman. Spirituality for African Americans. Yes God is Good Blog Posts Get over your ex 7 Things God Hates 10 Things God Wants You to Know. Tags airport american women asian women beauty become become a rasta beliefs black black women book can a white person be rasta cook cooking dating a jamaican man diet does god exist dogs dreadlocks eat eBook festival first time first time Jamaica food freeform dreadlocks fried dumpling God green banana hell hip strip how do i get to heaven how to how to be how to become a rasta how to get to heaven internet cafe Jah jah rastafari jamaica jamaican Jamaican food jamaican habits jamaican man Jamaican men jamaican night life jamaican people jamaican recipes jamaican tourism jamaican traditions Jamaican travel jamaican women jamaica travel jamaica trip livity love montego bay natural hair night life online principles race racism Rasta rasta book Rastafari rastafarianism read recipe toronto white rasta white rastafari white woman white women women yonge street.

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